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Chapter 36
Page (474)

"Identity; a mental pcitrue of who I see myself to be-greatly influenced by the way others respond to me" (474). This communication thread is very similiar to Symbolic Interactionism's "looking-glass self" (63). Griffin presents this thread by saying, "Communication affects and is affected by our sense of identity, which is strongly shaped within the context of our culture" (474). Symbolic Interactionism and CMM were two of the theories that I evaluated in the COMM THEORY & ME assignment. Both of these theories are crucial in the creation and reflection of self-image and self identity. We often define ourselves based on the way others percieve us. No wonder we tend to surround ourselves with people that see the best in us, for that in turn, brings out the best even more. That is not to say that we dont have a cjoice in how much we let that influence and shape our sense of self, becasue we do. CMM theorists believe that we jointly create our perception of self, and that identity has a huge impact on our interpretation and management of meanings.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Like you, I find the self-image theme interesting. The basic idea is that communication affects and is affected by the identity of the communicators, which in turn is influenced by culture.

    Mead’s symbolic interactionism states that the self is a function of language. Also, the generalized other is a mental image of the self based on community expectations.

    Tajfel and Turner describe that social identity is based on intergroup behavior, and also describe a motivational continuum between personal identity and social identity.

    CAT also deals with identity, whereby the initial orientation of communicators can focus on either individual identity or group identity. Collectivism endorses similarity and group cohesion, emphasizing group identity. Individualism accentuates individual identity.

    Ting-Toomey’s face negotiation theory uses the term "face" for the public self-image. Her theory is based on individualism and collectivism. Individualism is based on "I" identity and collectivism is based on "we" identity. Face restoration and face giving are two extremes of supporting autonomy and supporting another person's need for inclusion.
