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LOVE day

Mom sent me a Valentine!!!! awwwwwww!!!!! It is beautiful inside and out just like her! She handmade ALL of her Valentines this year, which I just LOVE because while making them she is pouring in her time, love and energy into each and everyday card. Very sentimental, unique, special and comes from the heart! My Grandma also sent me and my roommate Valentine's gifts and cards...soo sweet!!! Just so thoughtful-it really truly is the thought (from the heart) that counts the most! I love sending cards to people and I love getting cards. It is just a fun way to bless others, surprise them with some love in an envelope when they least expect it. One of my best friends sent me a birthday present all the way from was a beautiful fairy journal and some sweet spicy special tea handcrafted from Seattle...on the inside of the journal it reads "Happy 25th Birthday Mally. This is a journal and some tea for your morning routine. I love you!!!" Now this means soo much too because after driving across the country together we really bonded. We both spent so much time together in and out of the car, day in day out, morning, noon and night traveling together. So she really paid attention to what I do...and she saw me get up early every morning and read the Bible, journal and drink my this was such a special gift...again from the HEART. And she knows I like sweet & spicy flavored teas so I am excited to try it this new special one for the first time : ) Yay!!! Fills my love cup! Happy LOVE day (almost) everyone!!! Everyday is LOVE day because God IS love! xoxoxoxooxoxoxox

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