Monthly Supporters

Daughter of God. Bride of Christ.

     When you know you are SPECIAL! The BRIDE of CHRIST. ONE OF A KIND. Created and CALLED for a PURPOSE much bigger than you could ever imagine.  But the guy you like does not SEE it.  Or maybe he does see it but he is not the one God created you for.  This can be very discouraging if you focus again and again on his "not seeing it" or not pursuing you.  This so called rejection can actually make you want to reject parts of yourself or even question parts of yourself if you are not FIRM in your IDENTITY in CHRIST.  This is a daily walk, and each day we receive more revelation in our hearts of our identity in Christ as we abide in His love and His Word.  
      I know all too well that pang of rejection.  It feels as if something is inherently wrong with you when the person you have a desire for does not return that same desire.  The more you try, the more that he doesn't notice, the more it hurts, the more empty you feel.  Chasing after the wind. Unrequited love.  Oh the ache of it all.  It can lead to self-comparing, self-condemning, self-doubt...notice the trend here? Self.  Love is selfLESS.  So when we go down this rabbit hole of ANTS- automatic negative thinking, we must take captive every thought and make them OBEDIENT to CHRIST.  Turn back to Jesus and fix your eyes on HIM.  It is in HIM that we are complete. "Finally whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, if anything is praiseworthy- think about such things."- Philippians 4:8.  Keep your eyes and heart on CHRIST and HIS love for you.  We must preach the gospel to ourselves daily.  God has been showing me how desperately I need this for survival. 
PRAISE HIM because you are FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY MADE.  GOD SEES it.  It is Truth. Look through HIS eyes beloved, not your own eyes.  We all long for approval, love and acceptance.  When we are delighting in the LORD and see how HE delights in us and presents us in splendor as His bride- no human being can take away that clear vision of who we are in Christ. That image is truth.  You are created in His image and likeness. It is tempting to think about all the things we are not.  To compare to all the other ladies around us and how we don't add up to their beauty, brains, accolades, adventures. "She is more 'Proverbs 31' than I am. I will never measure up."  Lies.  Self-comparison is satan's trap, to keep us from seeing God revealed in us.  When you truly see yourself through God's eyes you will be blown away at HIS beauty.  He is captivated by you. Waters cannot quench His love. There is security in His love-that no human can offer us.  He lavishes His love on us. Let Him Daughter. You are so UNIQUE. There is something you have to offer this world; that God has created and gifted only you for.  Rest in your identity as a daughter of GOD.  His love is the only thing that truly changes us.  Soak in it. 

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