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Catching up from the weekend...

So it has been one busy weekend...sorry I have not blogged in a while. From Thursday on, it has been nonstop. The Hope for the Nations dinner was more than I could have imagined or dreamed. Not only did I get to meet Linda Oliver but I got to talk to her one on one before and after she spoke and sang. What an honor. She is a true "carrier of His presence." One of the most gracious, humble and eloquent people I have ever met. "You cannot serve your own God-given dream until you first help serve someone else's God-given dream." This was the message at church last Sunday...and by Thursday night it was crystal clear to me. I had prayed earlier in the week for God to guide me and show me who's dream he wanted me to help fulfill. Who he specifically wanted me to help and serve, for His plans and purposes. Then I meet Linda. Need I say more? She is an elder, and by that I mean has been a Christian for a long time. She is definitely a spiritual mentor. I knew the minute that I met her that she was an instrument, chosen by God for His glory. I have faith in her and believe in her calling and her gifts. Not only that, but I want to soak up (like a sponge) all the wisdom she has received over the years on her walk with God. She has and is still going through some intense healing, that I know God wants me to learn from. He puts everyone in our lives for a reason. Her and I talked about music and how it heals, we talked about my dad's death, recovering from my parasite, food allergies, trials and tribulations that God has brought us through in order to sharpen us and give us empathy and wisdom...and so much more. I don't know exactly what God is going to do with this connection, but I do know that I am willing to help and serve in any way I can.

It is crazy how you can look back in your life (hindsight is 20/20) and so clearly see all these divine appointments that God strategically set up in your life, to bring you to exactly where you are right now. It is a long story but I will try to explain. God brought Danelle into my life the first time I ever came to Alabama, we had an instant connection and so much in common in our testimonies. She always talked about this woman that she worked for named Linda Oliver. I could tell right away that this was an inspirational woman of faith and that I would be honored to ever meet her. Little did I know the magnitude of God's plans. It is all starting to make sense. Then when I first previewed some demo songs of mine to Connie on my second trip here, she kept mentioning her mentor Linda Oliver. She told me that Linda owns a recording studio and that she is a Christian recording artist working on her third cd. WOW!
So after meeting Linda on Thursday night, Connie saw the way I reacted to her and how we hit it off and just knew it was a divine appointment. Everything had been leading up to that moment. You get the picture...all the stars were aligning, slowly but surely in God's timing. More will be it always is. It is just so exciting to even get a glimpse of God's big plans. To be continued.

The rest of the weekend was filled with love as well. Connie came over Friday night; we fellowshipped and prayed together. Then Saturday I had a meeting in the morning which was amazing because I got to be the CPR-"Christ Person in the Room," showing everyone the love of God and shining my light for HIM. Then I went to the Samford University baseball game with my roomie and got to support and encourage her as she sang the national anthem (beautifully I might add). Sunday was jam-packed: went to church with Connie and her family (my adopted spiritual family in Bama), then lunch, picked up Kelly and then Savannah's bridal shower with all the girls in the Basement women's ministry. It was a bit overwhelming to be around all of these amazing women who I admire and look up to, but it was good to step outside the comfort zone and challenge myself. I ended up having a wonderfully full and beautiful day. I even got to chat with Missy Pitt (Matt Pitt's mama) for a while at the shower. She is another amazing role model/mom. She asked me, "So how does your family feel about you being all the way out here? They sure must miss you!" I get that question/statement a lot. I just told her that they do miss me (well at least I hope they do haha) but that they are happy and excited for me to be following God and my dreams.

It was a long weekend...I definitely took a much needed rejuvenating nap Sunday afternoon. Sorry this blog is so is hard to catch up on a few days of life all in one little nutshell.

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