Monthly Supporters


"The Japan meteorological agency has issued a tsunami warning for a wave of up to 6 feet. The warning covers a coastal area already torn apart by last month's tsunami, which is believed to have killed some 25,000 people and has sparked an ongoing crisis at a nuclear power plant." **pray for Japan**

I will shake not only the earth but the heavens...the words once more indicate the removing of what can be shaken-created things-so that what CANNOT be shaken may remain. Hebrews 12:26-27
For here we do not have an enduring city, but we're looking for the city that is to come. Heb.13:14

Plans, plans, plans...we make plans and God laughs. He is in control! I trust Him! He knows the plans He has for each and every one of His children. Stay in the moment. Listen to His whispers. Let Him lead and guide you. Seek Him with your whole heart. Put your hope in Him and not in things (man-made creations that can be taken and shaken). Choose the good part that cannot be taken or shaken. The eternal things of the heart will endure forever...everything else is just a chasing after the wind. What cannot be taken or shaken is HIS Kingdom and His will. Nothing can thwart God's will and plan. I could spend my whole life trying to please others. I could spend my whole life trying to make money and earn things and treasured possessions...but what happens when the Tsunami hits out of nowhere, the earthquake comes, the car accident, the death, the stolen possessions...if I had put my whole life, hope, time and purpose in those things that can be taken and shaken, then I am left with nothing. But if I spend my whole life putting my hope, time and purpose in God and what is valuable to Him...the HEART...that cannot be taken from me. That has eternal worth. Faith that is of more worth than gold.

I see more and more people losing houses, cars, money, collectibles, family heirlooms...having to sell their things for a way to survive or just losing them all together for different reasons. I see this hopelessness in their eyes that kills me. It breaks me heart!!!! Maybe they put their hope in those things more than they realized, but the TRUTH is that there is always HOPE. The hope is an anchor to our souls...keeping us rooted and grounded in Truth and in His grace and unfailing love. It is never too late to put all our hope in God! He wants the best for all of His children. No matter how bad the circumstances look, we must not tremble, we must not be shaken off the rock.

Faith is believing in what you do not see. Let faith be your eyes! If you do not see the hope, if every circumstance points to doom & destruction, if it doesn't make sense on paper, if it seems impossible...please don't give up!!!!! When all odds are against us all we have to do is to rely on God's supernatural power and strength and sovereignty. These are only what our human eye can see...but there is something just around the corner that we cannot see but God can and He is sending it our way. HOLD OUT FOR HOPE! God is a God of miracles, a God of second chances. Nothing is impossible for God...nothing! All we have to do is believe and have matter how bad it 'looks'...have faith! He might not give us what we want, but like a good Father, He always gives us what we need.

"Right now the only career goal I have is to be living the plans God has for me, to be seeking Him with all my heart." :)

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