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Reunited with my Uncle

   I was just recently reunited with my uncle on my dad's side.  I had not seen since him since I was ten years old, three years after my dad passed away.  I was so nervous to see him again and did not know what to expect.  But I was certainly expecting the GOODNESS of GOD.  I am amazed at God's ministry of reconciliation!  He is in the business of healing broken heart, mending burnt bridges and bringing families back together.  Just as Jesus died to reconcile all of God's children back to the Father, He wants us to be living in harmony and peace with one another.
   I still cannot believe how much God is healing deep chambers of my heart through bringing my uncle back into my life.  Even as he walked us to greet me, his voice sent chills up my arms.  He has my dad's voice!  I closed my eyes and he embraced me with the deepest love and I got to hear inflections of my dad's voice in my ear.  We sat for hours at this coffee shop, reminiscing, sharing memories, and laughing.  I learned so much more about my dad.  My uncle not only lost a brother, he lost a best friend.  He just kept thanking me for meeting with him.  He was so appreciative to have a part of my dad back in his life, to have family back.  He truly just wants to be in my life.  That means so much to me.

My dad was a rare species, an alien if you will.  He was the most affectionate, verbally affirmative, encouraging, loving man I have ever encountered.  I talked to my uncle about how I used to hide from my dad when I was singing.  My dad loved to hear me sing, and I got really shy about singing in front of him.  I asked myself why?  I think his love and affection was overwhelming for me. I did not know how to receive it as a child.  It was so intense.  I used to feel smothered by his love.  Now looking back I wish I had known then what I know now.  So many children would give anything to have a daddy love them like that.  He was truly captivated by me.  I was his princess, his pride and joy. To him, I hung the stars and the moon.  What an incredible gift to have for seven years of my life!  Yes, I wish I had more time.  Yes, I wish he was still here and I had the chance to understand and appreciate and fully receive this love now.  And my Abba Father knows those desires in my heart and understands every bit of it.  He doesn't scold me or punish me or get mad because I long for that.  He knows. He loves. He cares.  He leads me with His kindness to His FURIOUS love.  He shows me that HIS love for me is exactly what I have been missing.  That His love is what I have been searching for since I lost my daddy's love.  That I don't have to search any longer, that His love truly satisfies.  That He smothers me daily with His affections.  His love for me is so overwhelming that I still don't know how to fully receive a love like this.  Do we ever?  He gave me just a small little glimpse of His unfathomable love, through my earthly father.  What an incredible gift to see that love modeled to me at such a formative time in my life.  And now God is revealing Himself more and more in my heart as my Father; and showing me His undying love for me.   If my dad's love for me was so overwhelming, how much MORE is GOD'S love for us?  His love is not of this world.  It is supernatural, invisible, unquenchable.  Learning how to receive this love, feels like learning how to walk for the first time.  Baby steps.

The affection, encouragement, unconditional LOVE, acceptance, affirmation, that you long for, God freely pours it out.  Beloved, you don't have to search anymore.  Just let Him love you.

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