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Reasons to Give Thanks!!!

Well I guess God did not want me to take my blessings for granted so He put me in a situation where I would have no choice but to truly, humbly give HIM so much thanks and praise!!! I got locked out of my house on Thanksgiving morning. No spare key, no car keys, no roommate (out of town), no wallet...nothing. Had not even taken a shower yet...was just going for a nice morning walk. Once I realized I was locked out I looked under ever pot, nook and cranny of the house that I could find. Nothing. I went through other people's backyards to get to my backyard, only to find...nothing. No key, no way in. I went back to the front porch and just sat down and cried. I cried out to God. I remembered reading in one of my daily devotional readings, that 'when you are in a tight spot, to call out to God and also speak forth that you trust Him to come through for you.' So I said out loud "God I trust you. I trust that you will never leave me or forsake me, it is written, you said! I trust that you will make a way where there is no way. I trust that you will turn this around and use this for good, for you glory. I trust that you will get be safe and sound and back into my house. Lord I trust you. I am your daughter in Jesus Name" Then I cried a little more after making more phone calls to Jaime's friends and my mom. Right before I was about to call a locksmith, which surely would be expensive and timely on Thanksgiving neighbor walked out to take the trash out. Having never really met him before, I hesitated to say anything, but my heart tugged at me. So I just threw it out there. "Is there any chance you know how to break into a house?" "Why yes!" He said cheerfully...ready to come to the rescue! I was shocked and wasn't sure I could believe it until I saw it..but that's what faith is, so I believed. He grabbed something (a secret between him and I now) and he showed me how to break in. I guess he's gotten locked out a couple times, so he knew exactly what to do. It was simple. God keeps is simple yet it is a miracle all at the same time. WOW! The door pops open and tears of JOY just stream down my face. I hugged him and thanked him profusely. I also thanked Jesus profusely. I am giving HIM all my thanks!!!!! WOW! He will put you in a place where all you can do is sing His praises and offer up true pure-hearted thanksgiving to Him. And so I am!

He was the only one that could have really saved me from all this...not my mom, not my roommate or her the end of the day, prayer was the answer. It is the ONE thing that changes everything!!!!! He is the answer always, He can do all things. With man it is impossible but with God all things are possible!!!! He proves it time and time again!!!!

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